Arlington County has too many deer. What can they do about it?
ARLINGTON, Va. - Arlington officials said several studies have proven the county has too many deer, and now, they’re asking the public to weigh in on potential solutions.
"We do have an overpopulation of deer that is affecting the native vegetation and that of course affects other wildlife, and that’s our big concern," explained Arlington County Parks Natural Resources Manager Alonso Abugattas.
He added that while deer contribute to accidents and tick-borne disease, the vegetation is their main concern because so many other creatures depend on it too.
"Ground nesting birds, insects, bats," said Abugattas. "Everything you want to think about."
The county has offered up four potential solutions: professional sharpshooting, public archery hunting where permissible, fencing entire parks, and also surgical sterilization.
"They’re captured, they’re sterilized, and they’re released back out to the wild," Abugattas said of the final option.
In downtown Arlington Tuesday, the choices received mixed reviews.
"That’s doable," Darrell Alexander said of the fence option.
"No! No!," replied Kaylie Reynolds and Hanna Goes when asked about professional sharpshooting.
Abugattas stressed that any final decision is likely still months away. The county is holding a community forum on July 11. Officials have also posted a questionnaire so residents can provide feedback.