On The Hill: December 8, 2024
On The Hill, a weekly politics show featuring FOX 5's Tom Fitzgerald, is a staple of Sunday morning political talk in Washington, D.C.
Washington football legend Dexter Manley giving back through literacy foundation
A Washington football legend is turning his personal struggles with literacy into a foundation that’s working to help D.C. school children who have trouble reading. Dexter Manley played nine seasons in Washington. What many fans and friends didn’t know, was he was functionally illiterate and struggled with dyslexia. Manley later enrolled in the Washington Lab School and learned how to read. He joined FOX 5’s On The Hill to talk about The Dexter & Lydia Manley Foundation, which helps and inspires kids with reading disabilities.
Outpouring of hostility toward US healthcare system following murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO
Following the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Bryan Thompson, there has been an outpouring of hostility and anger when it comes to the healthcare system. What does this say about the state of health care in our country? former senior advisor to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and Founder of JK Strategies Jack Kalavritinos joins On The Hill to discuss.