Interim DC police chief joins other law enforcement at White House to meet with Trump

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Interim D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham was part of the first group welcomed by President Donald Trump in his very first weekend in the White House.

Trump has repeatedly said law enforcement was a top priority of his administration. Now, as president, he has backed that up with a meeting to thank the law enforcement officials who provided security during the inauguration.

Present at the gathering were Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy, whose agency has faced heavy criticism during the Obama administration for security lapses, and FBI Director James Comey.

At one point, Trump called Comey across the room and put his arm around him. The FBI director has faced controversy from Democrats over his investigation of Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

While the new president appears to have made a point to invite police as his first guests, it is likely this will not be the last time. New Attorney General nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) told Congress during his confirmation hearings that police safety is a priority of the new administration.