Code Orange snow days in Prince William County mean virtual classes for students

If snow or other inclement weather forces Prince William County Public Schools to operate on Code Orange, students will need to be ready for a day of virtual instruction.

School officials say Code Orange days will be used during the 2023–24 school year. Live, virtual classes will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Code Orange days and all classes will start with live, synchronous instruction.

Students will have a one-hour break for lunch during Code Orange days and time will be provided for students to go to the restroom between Zoom sessions, according to the school system’s website.

"Students will need to turn their cameras on and participate in the class to be counted as present," the website says.

All elementary, middle, and high schools will follow the same schedule by level on Code Orange days. Staff will work remotely.

But don’t worry, students. All hope for an actual fun-filled snow day is not lost.

School officials say Code Red days - when schools, offices, and virtual classes are canceled - are still on the table.

"PWCS will continue to have Code Red days this school year and beyond when conditions warrant their use in severe weather emergencies that may impact access to remote work or learning, such as potential power outages," the school system’s website says. "Students will not be assigned required work on Code Red days, and teachers will take the missed time into consideration of deadlines or test scheduling."

More information on Code Orange days can be found online. The school system also lists an explanation of inclement weather codes.

The school system also lists an explanation of inclement weather codes.

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