Proposed bill would require attendants at gas stations to deter crime in PG County

State leaders are looking for ways to protect people while pumping their gas. 

"I’m actually nervous right now to be at the pump because you never know what is going to happen at any moment," said one driver filling his tank in Largo. 

Anyah Robinson says safety at the gas station is a true concern.

"Ladies have to carry weapons. Be on alert. Double check your mirrors before you get out of your car." 

This is what State Sen. Rone Watson is looking to prevent; people looking over their shoulder at the pump. 

"People should not have to fear filling up their tanks. We have to make it harder for the bad guys to come in and injure our folks, and minimize the carjackings," said Sen. Watson. 

In his proposed crime bill, from 6 a.m. to midnight – gas stations in Prince George’s County will be required to have an attendant on site to pump gas for people who do not want to get out of the car. 

"It’s a sense of protection," said Robinson. 

And possible prevention. 

This December will mark a year since Ernest Thomas’s younger brother, Lee Thomas was killed during a carjacking in Largo. 

"He wasn’t doing nothing wrong," said Thomas. 

If the bill was around a year ago, he believes it could’ve deterred the person who shot and killed his brother while at the pump. 

"If they would’ve seen two people, they would’ve thought about it twice before going up there," he adds. 

There are some people who don’t support this idea. 

"Any bill that requires an establishment to hire someone is very tough getting across the line," said Watson. 

Especially in a time when it’s tough to fill job openings, plus the cost of gas. 

"The residents I talk to say they don’t mind paying that extra fee," Watson adds. 

Some people at the pump tell us the same. 

"I feel like a life is more valuable than a few pennies at the pump." 

This proposed bill will also require gas stations to have cameras facing the pumps to help police with future investigations. 

Sen. Watson plans to present this bill to the General Assembly in January when the next session begins. 


Prince George's CountyNews