New HOV-3 rules in effect on I-66 Express Lanes

Drivers may have noticed another major change on I-66 in northern Virginia this week.

As of now, new high occupancy vehicle rules are in effect, and carpoolers will need at least three people onboard plus an E-ZPass Flex switched to "HOV On" mode to use the express lanes for free.

On the newly opened 22.5 miles of I-66 Express Lanes between I-495 and Gainesville, the HOV-3 rule is in effect 24/7. On the nine miles of I-66 Express Lanes inside the Beltway to the D.C. line, it’s in effect on weekdays only during peak periods in peak commute directions.

READ MORE: Virginia’s eastbound I-66 Express Lanes set to open this week

The Virginia Department of Transportation gave several reasons for the change.

"The HOV-2 option on 66 wasn’t working well," spokesperson Michelle Holland said. "Travelers were still being stuck in congestion. So, with the new express lane options, you know the additional capacity and the Hov-3 requirement. The goal is to have fewer vehicles on the roadway and move more people through the corridor more efficiently."

Most drivers who talked to FOX 5 Tuesday in Oakton said the change might take a little getting used to for them.

"I am HOV-2 ready. I am not HOV-3 ready," Molly Anspach said. "So that’s disappointing to hear, but you know, what are you gonna do?"

VDOT also said that people looking to learn more about forming HOV-3 carpools on I-66 can click here.
