Montgomery County calls for artists to design LGBTQ+ Pride Decal

Ahead of Pride Month, Montgomery County is inviting artists and designers across the community to help design its official 2023 Montgomery County Pride decal. 

The decal will be the first of its kind in Montgomery County for businesses, non-profit organizations, government and other public spaces to show their public support for LGBTQ+ persons across Montgomery County, year-round. There will also be a specific decal for youth-serving establishments and schools. 

Many businesses have displayed decals showing a Pride flag for many years, but this will be the first one specific to the county. A spokesperson for Montgomery County's Department of Health and Human Services (who is working along with the county's Office of Community Partnerships on the program) told FOX 5 that they see the program "…as an opportunity to show a hometown response to national/international anti-LGBTQ+ bias."

Montgomery County also announced this week a partnership with a LGBTQ+-led Arts & Culture group, Live In Your Truth Programs, to sponsor its 3rd annual "Pride In the Plaza" event on Sunday June 25th at Downtown Silver Spring's Veterans Plaza from noon-8pm. On this event, County Executive Marc Elrich noted "Hosting this annual event is one way to reaffirm our commitment to making Montgomery County a welcoming place for everyone…The current political and social climate around issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community demands that we speak loudly and clearly about the values we live by in our community."

As for the Decal, design submissions will be accepted in two categories: one for adults (aged 23 and older) to design the decal used by businesses and organizations - and one for youth/young adults under the age of 23, who would design the decal used for youth-serving establishments. 

The county is also asking for the design to include themes involving intersectionality ("recognition that sexual orientation and gender identity or expression are layers of one’s identity, and that race, ethnicity, ability, national origin, and other characteristics are important as well") and inclusion of trans and gender-expansive communities. 

There is a cash prize for those who submit designs early. Information on design guidelines, contest eligibility and how to submit can be found at