9-year-old Girl Scout delivers donated cookies to Montgomery County police

Montgomery County police are thanking a Girl Scout Brownie from Silver Spring for her sweet gesture after she dropped off donated Girl Scout cookies for officers at two police stations.

In addition to the cookies, 9-year-old Elizabeth Barry also brought "Thank You" letters for officers, writing, "Lots of people donated cookies I thought that some cookies might make you smile and know that people are sending you love. Thank you for being brave and keeping us safe."

Elizabeth told FOX 5 that as she was selling cookies, she asked every person if they wanted to buy a box to donate. She said more people bought cookies to donate than keep for themselves.

"I wasn't surprised because I know that people really, really care," Elizabeth said. "And I appreciated all the people that donated. I think that's awesome."

She ended up with almost 250 boxes of cookies to share.

"I heard that one station lost a police officer a couple of months ago, and I wanted them to smile again," she said, referring to Montgomery County Police Officer Noah Leotta, who was killed by a drunk driver in December.

Montgomery County police publicly thanked Elizabeth on their Facebook and Twitter pages.

"Police officers all over the country are mindful when we go to work that we may not come home," said Officer Rick Goodale. "So when we see a gesture like Elizabeth did for us, it reminds us of why we want to do the job."

"It makes the day go by just a little easier," said Sgt. John O'Brien. "It makes it easier to go to each call because you know there are citizens out there that really do care about us."

Elizabeth's kind heart does not only extend to police officers. She is also planning to provide cookies to injured service members at the VA Medical Center in Washington D.C.

"It just makes me really, really proud and happy I'm making a difference," she said.