5 viewing tips for watching President Obama's State of the Union address from The Hill's 'In the
What should you watch for while taking in President Barack Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday?
The Hill's 'In the Know' columnist, Judy Kurtz, spoke with CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett for some viewing tips.
#1 - Watch Twitter for hashtags since this is the first pre-meditated hashtag State of the Union.
#2 - Keep an eye on Rep. Paul Ryan for taxes and trade talk.
#3 - How many times will Obama mention Trade Promotion authority and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.
#4 - Will Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Warren try to grab the spotlight?
#5 - Who will laugh, cry, nap, or do some other crazy thing!?!?!
And if you're looking for a State of the Union drinking-game buzzword…check out Judy's column!
READ IT HERE: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/229997-five-tips-for-watching-state-of-the-union-from-cbs-newss-major-garrett