Why some Hispanics say they're supporting Trump
GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. - You may be surprised to learn that Donald Trump has Hispanic supporters, given his stance on immigration and a comment the Republican Presidential nominee made at the beginning of his campaign about some Mexicans crossing the boarders being criminals.
But members of the Georgia Hispanics for Trump Coalition said they believe Trump has their back.
"This country the way its running, it's been running, it's a mess and I rather have Trump to run it like a business," said Hispanic Trump supporter, Wilfredo Grajales.
The Hispanic voters laid out the reasons why they are supporting Trump during a news conference Thursday evening at the Gwinnett County GOP Headquarters.
"This is more than just immigration," said Loganville Vice Mayor and Chair of the Georgia Hispanics for Trump Coalition, Rey Martinez. "This is social values, this is school choice, this is security for families, this is jobs, this is money in your pocket. "We have to talk about the other issues."
Vice Mayor Martinez said he wants a president that will do whatever it takes to keep The United States safe, including building a wall, even if it is at the expense of people chasing the American dream.
"I am in support of doing anything to keep illegal drugs away," said Vice Mayor Martinez. "To keep gang members away, this is something that has been talked about for many years, President Obama has talked about it, Hillary Clinton has talked about it and nothing gets done. Finally we have a candidate that is talking about it."
State Representative Pedro Marin said Trump's immigration plans do not resonate with the Hispanic community.
"Not just for Latinos, for undocumented, but also for businesses and families as well," said State Representative Pedro Marin who represents Duluth. "We need to build bridges, not walls."
Some strategists said Hispanics will vote for Trump because they are republican conservatives. Representative Marin believes Trump was not always the first choice for some Latinos, but now that he is the nominee they are supporting the party, not the candidate.
"Now they are stuck with Trump," said Representative Marin. "Now they have to come out for the nominee, it's shocking."