State-of-the-art traffic management plan hopes to ease congestion at new MGM National Harbor casino

The MGM National Harbor casino is scheduled to open its doors this week and local law enforcement agencies have been working with officials to make sure visitors don't get stuck in traffic.

A sophisticated traffic management plan has been put into place to help control the traffic flow in and around the area.

$10 million has been spent on road improvements and road widening over the last two years. Officials estimate that as many as 20,000 people will visit the casino each day.

Grand Opening Highlights

Thursday, December 8
Expected attendance: 25,000 - 30,000 (24 hour period)
Estimated number of vehicles: 9,000 - 10,000 (24 hour period)
Areas of concern: traffic flow, parking, community access
Peak Traffic Times (Expected)

7 p.m. - 12 p.m. nightly
Thursday - Saturday

Traffic Impact
There will be heavy congestion along Oxon Hill Road near the MGM Casino.

The congestion could impact travel in and around the Oxon Hill area. PGPD will visible at all major intersections. Please take alternative routes around the area. This will be most important during peak business times.

​During peak times local traffic should avoid Oxon Hill Road and use Indian Head Hwy as an alternative.

​ Please keep in mind pedestrian safety and please pay attention to traffic patterns. We recommend giving yourself extra time for travel from December 8-18.

Fort Washington/Oxon Hill
National Harbor
Temple Hills/Forest Heights
Impacted Intersections (Expected)
Oxon Hill Road at:
MGM National Boulevard
Monument Drive
Bald Eagle Road

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