PHOTOS: 'Preemie' kids take inspiring 'before and after' photos

(FOX NEWS)- A photo campaign is bringing hope to parents of preemies.

The L'il Aussie Prems Foundation has been posting photo submissions of healthy, happy children holding photos of themselves as premature infants.

The Australian organization is asking parents who want to contribute to simply take a photo of their child holding an image from their time in hospital and share it on social media with the hashtag ‪#‎lilaussieprems, ‪ ‪#‎foot4prems or ‪‪#‎green4prems.

Twins Scarlett and Lila. #green4prems #lilaussiepremsShared by Katie.

A birth is considered premature, or preterm, when it happens before the mother is 37 weeks pregnant.

Full story from FOX NEWS.

Born at 36 weeks weighing 2.5kgs, this gorgeous little man just recently celebrated a big 1st birthday and was cleared...