Package explodes at Schertz FedEx distribution center
A package has exploded at a FedEx distribution center in Schertz.
The facility is just northeast of San Antonio and officials confirmed the incident was connected to the four recent explosions in Austin.
"We are trying to understand what happened, shift through the evidence, and let the evidence take us to where we need to go," said James Smith, FBI assistant special agent in charge
The package bomb exploded around 12:30 a.m. Police say the medium sized box was on a conveyor belt when it exploded. Officials say the package contained metal shrapnel and nails and was heading to Austin.
"A Package had been traveling along the automated conveyor when it had exploded. One employee standing near the explosion made a complaint of ringing in the ears, she was treated and released, we were very fortunate that there were no injuries," according to Schertz Police Chief Michael Hansen.
About 75 people were working in the facility at the time of the explosion. One female employee sustained a concussion when the package detonated.
Federal agents spent about 5 hours inside the Schertz FedEx site. They left the scene shortly before 4:00 Tuesday afternoon without commenting about what they collected.
While the FBI has not officially confirmed it, officials in Sunset Valley say the package originated from a FedEx in Sunset Valley.
FedEx released a statement on the incident saying:
FedEx has confirmed that a package detonated at a San Antonio FedEx Ground facility early this morning. We have also confirmed that the individual responsible also shipped a second package that has now been secured and turned over to law enforcement. We are thankful that there were no serious injuries from this criminal activity. We have provided law enforcement responsible for this investigation extensive evidence related to these packages and the individual that shipped them collected from our advanced technology security systems. The safety and security measures in place across the FedEx networks are designed to protect the safety of our people, customers and communities, and to assist law enforcement as appropriate
Austin Interim Police Chief Brian Manley also released a statement about the incident saying:
The Austin Police Department is aware of the incident that occurred in Schertz, Texas and is working closely on the investigation with our federal partners, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. I want to continue to remind our community to pay close attention to any suspicious device whether it be a package, a bag, a backpack or anything that looks out of place, do not approach it. Call 9-1-1 immediately. Also remember do not move, touch or open unexpected/suspicious packages.
This is the fifth explosion in a series of incidents that have many people in Austin on edge.
"This is a very fluid investigation and we want the general public to know that their safety is our number one priority, so we encourage anyone anybody in the public that has information to call our tip line 512-472-TIPS if they have any information all leads Will be pursued and investigated again," said Frank Ortega, ATF assistant special agent in charge.
Two people have been killed and four people injured in four explosions in Austin. The latest happened Sunday (3/18) night when a device that was believed to be activated by a tripwire as two victims were walking alongside the road.
The reward for information relating to the explosions has been increased to more than $100,000.
While the victims in the latest incident have not been identified, the Associated Press spoke to a man who says one of the victims is his grandson. He told the AP that his grandson is cognizant but still in a lot of pain. He also says that the explosion left what appeared to be nails embedded in his grandson's knees.