Four arrested in uptown protests after decision not to file charges in Keith Scott death
CHARLOTTE, NC (FOX 46) - Demonstrators marched in the streets of uptown Charlotte Wednesday night in response to a decision by the Mecklenburg County District Attorney's office not to file charges against the officer who shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott.
Protestors gathered in front of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Headquarters on Trade Street and then proceeded to march through the streets of uptown Charlotte.
Crowds could be heard chanting, "No justice, no peace." At one point demonstrators could also be heard exclaiming, "the blood of Jesus."
Severe storms that rolled through the area threatened to put a damper on the march. Despite a tornado and several thunderstorm warnings, protesters continued to gather in mass.
Related: Tornado warning issued for Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Union counties
CMPD said they arrested James Marsicano, 23, Landon Rice, 22, Ngogloan Tran, 21, and a 16-year-old all for obstructing traffic during the protest. Marsicano received an additional charge of disorderly conduct.
The City of Charlotte released the following statement regarding the demonstration:
"A small group of demonstrators gathered in Uptown last night beginning at CMPD headquarters and moving to various locations in center-city. The demonstrations were lawful for the most part, and for that, we are thankful. During that time, CMPD arrested four people for obstruction of traffic.
Opinions may differ, and many of our goals are the same. We all want a stronger, more inclusive city. There is still work to be done as we move forward together as a community. We will continue to be diligent every day focusing on building relationships and engaging in two-way dialogue throughout our community."
Mecklenburg County District Attorney Andrew Murray said during a press conference Wednesday morning that Officer Brent Vinson "acted Lawfully" in using deadly force against Scott.
Related: No charges to be filed against officer in Keith Scott death, DA says
Protesters march in uptown Charlotte:
Vinson, who is also black, shot and killed Keith Scott on Sept. 20. Scott was sitting in his vehicle at an apartment complex when he was confronted by police. Police video showed officers shouting for Scott to drop a gun numerous times. Scott's family said he was not armed.
However, Murray displayed a nearby store's surveillance video showing the outline of what appeared to be a holstered gun on Scott's ankle, and he discussed other evidence that Scott was armed.
During the news conference, officials presented additional evidence, including DNA on the weapon and details about the sale of the gun and ammo.
Murray also quoted from a Facebook chat, in which a man discussed selling a gun to Keith Scott.
Murray says the person said in the Facebook chat that he felt responsibility for Scott's Sept. 20 death, and that he was concerned he would be criminally charged. Murray couldn't comment on whether that person would be charged.
Murray also says that Scott's DNA was found on the slide and grip of a handgun recovered from the scene. Murray said the gun was cocked, its safety was off and it had a round in its chamber.
Authorities found a receipt for an ammunition purchase matching a debit card that was in Scott's wallet.Full report from Mecklenburg County District Attorney's Office:
Full report from Mecklenburg County District Attorney's Office
Scott's death sparked days of riots and protests in Charlotte, causing significant damage to area businesses and costing the city more than $4.5 million.
Following Wednesday's announcement, attorneys for Keith Scott's family encouraged people to "express their feelings without violence" and to "protests peacefully and be respectful."
Charles Monnett, one of the attorney's representing the family, noted that there are different standards for criminal charges than for civil liability.
The lawyers said they haven't yet decided whether to pursue civil action.
Dash camera footage from Keith Scott shooting: