Another case of bed bugs reported at Savoy Elementary School
WASHINGTON - In a letter sent out on Thursday, the principal of Savoy Elementary School in the District has informed parents that another case of bed bugs was reported inside one of their classrooms.
Principal Donyale Butler said the school inspected a kindergarten classroom Wednesday night and found a dead bed bug and a few ants after a parent alerted school officials during after school care about concerns of bed bugs.
D.C. Public Schools said in a statement:
"DC Public Schools communicated with families at Savoy Elementary School about a reported bite on an individual. DCPS followed protocol to thoroughly clean and disinfect the location, and in the process found one dead bed bug. We are committed to keeping the Savoy Elementary School building clean and clear to maximize a safe learning environment for all students. We will continue to monitor the building and will communicate with families on any update."
Principal Butler wrote the child who reported the insect bite has received treatment from their primary care physician, but the doctor "was not able to confirm the origin of the bite." The rest of the school was inspected and no additional bed bugs were found.
Savoy dealt with bed beg and rodent issues earlier this year causing officials to shut down the school and temporarily relocate their students for nearly three weeks in order to clean the building and treat the problem.