90-year-old granny with cancer stops in Ga. on cross-country road trip

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A 90-year-old grandmother has embarked on the ultimate journey following a devastating loss and learning she has cancer.

During the same two-week period, her husband, Leo, was dying, Norma, learned that she had a large, likely cancerous mass on her uterus. Two days after Leo died she was in a doctor's office learning about surgery, then radiation and chemo.

When the doctor was finished he asked her how she would like to proceed. The Michigan woman replied, "I'm 90-years-old, I'm hitting the road."

That was in August. Now, roughly seven months later, she's still on the road with her son and daughter-in-law.

She's seen Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and even Disney World and last week, they were in Georgia.

Ah, Savannah in the springtime. We could not have had a more beautiful day!

On March 3, the Driving Miss Norma Facebook page shared a hilarious photo of Miss Norma and her son having a "crawfish duel" at a restaurant in Tybee Island, Georgia. A few days later, Miss Norma enjoyed her first pedicure at Sunlit Nails in Whitemarsh Island.

Next stop for Miss Norma was the historic, and beautiful, city of Savannah.

"Today was another first for all of us. We had an absolute blast learning about Savannah's deep history on our wonderful carriage tour."

On Facebook, her family said Miss Norma was "overtaken" with the beauty of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Savannah.

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. --Forrest GumpOur time in Savannah has...

Following her time in Savannah, Miss Norma headed to Hilton Head where she was asked to be in a parade.

More than 200,000 people on Facebook are following her journey.