Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to be released from prison: reports

President Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen will be released from federal prison Thursday and is expected to serve the remainder of his sentence at home, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen testifies

In a damning depiction of Donald Trump, the president's former lawyer on Wednesday cast him as a racist and conman who used his inner circle to cover up politically damaging allegations about sex and lied about his business interests in Russia throughout the campaign that sent him to the White House.

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen sentenced 3 years

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's one-time fixer, was sentenced to three years in prison for crimes that included arranging the payment of hush money to conceal his boss' alleged sexual affairs.

What is the fallout for the White House following Manafort and Cohen convictions?

Former federal prosecutor Jacob Frenkel, now Chair of Government Investigations at Dickinson Wright says the eight charges against Paul Manafort is a "win" for federal prosecutors. Prosecutors could file to retry on charges declared "mistrial." He says charges on Manafort and Cohen could mean trouble for President Donald Trump.

Attorney: Federal agents seize documents from Trump lawyer

Federal agents on Monday raided the offices of President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen, who has been under intense public scrutiny for weeks over a $130,000 payment to a porn actress who says she had sex with Trump more than a decade ago.