WWII veteran gets 100 cards for 100th birthday, asks people to keep the 'love' coming

LEXINGTON, Va (FOX WTTG) - After a social media plea for birthday cards, people sent this WWII veteran 100 cards to celebrate his 100th birthday-- and he wants more.
William 'Ray' Painter is turning 100 on May 5, 2019. He is a current resident at the Mayflower Assisted Living in Lexington, Virginia. Described as a 'shining light' by staff, Painter is loved by all, so for his birthday, they wanted to do something extra special.
According to a Facebook post by the Mayflower Assisted Living, one of Painter's jobs during the war was that of a driver messenger-- he took messages between the platoons-- and because of that he enjoys receiving cards.
Using the power of social media, the retirement home asked people to send Painter 100 cards to celebrate the momentous occasion. So far he's received 517 cards and has also gone viral, prompting for many calls and offers to help celebrate his special day.
"Trying to explain to him that he went viral was priceless." Mayflower Assisted Living said, "The outpouring of love has simply made him the feel like the superstar he is. Ray said it only took him 100 years to be famous."
But the spunky birthday boy doesn't want the mail to stop because Painter is requesting for even more heartfelt notes and wishes to be sent to him.
If you wish to send him a card, make them out to:
Ray Painter, C/O The Mayflower 409 S. Main St. Lexington, VA 24450
Thank you Ray Painter for your service!