Witnesses: Men wearing Trump masks duked it out in Lowe's
RICHMOND, Va. - (AP) -- Police say shoppers were mystified and alarmed when two young men wearing Donald Trump masks began boxing one another inside a Virginia Lowe's store on New Year's Eve.
Henrico County Police Capt. Chris Eley tells the Richmond Times-Dispatch (http://bit.ly/2iaMJ5K) that officers were summoned to the store Saturday afternoon because of a "disorderly display that scared customers."
Henrico police have said little about the incident. However, 59-year-old witness Michael Willis tells the newspaper he saw the men hitting each other while yelling, "Donald Trump! Donald Trump!"
Willis said he called police because he feared they might be robbers.
But he said one young man who returned to retrieve some keys that were dropped during the fight told him they were just trying to have some fun.
No arrests were immediately made.
Information from: Richmond Times-Dispatch, http://www.timesdispatch.com
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