With help of family, woman delivers baby on side of roadway on I-270

It was a surprise delivery right on one of Maryland's busiest highways. A woman went into labor this weekend and had to deliver her baby on the side of Interstate 270 with the help of her family.

It all started on Saturday afternoon. Amy Tu wasn't due for three more weeks, so she figured it was safe for a drive up I-270 with her husband Tyler and their three kids.

But life has a way of throwing a few curveballs and Amy's water broke during the drive. They called their doctor who told them to drive to Shady Grove Adventist Hospital.

But the problem was the baby had other plans. Tyler called 911 and the next thing he knew, he and his three kids were helping Amy deliver a healthy baby boy named Evan.

"As I pull off the side of the shoulder, basically I was saying she's in labor and the baby is coming," said Tyler.

"Everybody took an active role in helping out," said Amy. "I had a 4-year-old, an eighth grader and a junior in high school and everybody was great helping dad stay calm as well. I don't think he could have done it without having them there as well."

Montgomery County Fire and Rescue workers also showed up on scene to make sure all was well.

The family is back home as a happy family of six.