Wife of fallen Chicago firefighter writes heartbreaking farewell letter

"Well Dan, I never in a million years thought I'd be writing this to you. We're supposed to be on a beach in Florida right now, enjoying a drink under a tent by the ocean, spending time together. We were going to relax and enjoy each other without any stress for about six days and then come home and celebrate Christmas together. Instead I'm here with you, but definitely not in the way I want to be.
"We've been married for 20 years and I wanted to be with you for a hundred more years. We met before we were even able to drink, at least legally. We got married at the age of 22 and thought it would be smart to move into a house right away, even though neither of us had ever lived away from our parents. That would probably explain why we tried to cut the spine out of a turkey at thanksgiving because we thought it was the turkey's neck. Apparently the neck was inside the turkey already cut, but who knew? That would also explain why, while trimming bushes, you cut the electrical cord and knocked out power to the entire house.
"Remember when you thought I was going to cut your chicken off the bone for you because that's the way your mother used to fix it for you at home? Or how we would debate about how to fold the laundry or which way the toilet paper roll should face? I still say I'm right about that.
"We have such great memories, Dan, but I would give anything in the world to have you back so we could make lots more. We have three beautiful, intelligent and talented children together. It breaks my heart into a million pieces to know you will never get to walk Amanda down the aisle or sit with me while we watch Andrew and Nick play hockey. I'm broken inside by losing you, Dan. I'm just not sure what I'm going to do. I will miss your hands and face, your funny sense of humor, your loving touch, your kisses and our conversations together."