#WheresKevinGoing: Kevin McCarthy in SPAIN to film action sequence based on Assassin's Creed
Kevin McCarthy is on a new adventure! He was in Los Angeles over the weekend - hopped a flight to Europe - and is now filming an action sequence - in Seville,Spain!
Kevin saw 30 minutes of Assassin's Creed, a new film based on a popular video game. He is taking part in filming that will require him to recreate some of the action sequences in the film.
Assassin's Creed comes out in December and stars Michael Fassbender.
Along the way to Spain, Kevin dropped some cool hints as to where he was
"LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, INDIANA JONES, STAR WARS, JAMES BOND & GOT all have scenes filmed in this country."
"Flying 2 another country to film action sequences similar 2 ASSASSIN'S CREED!"
"The country I'm flying to is in Europe!"
Check out Kevin's Twitter page here: https://twitter.com/kevinmccarthytv?lang=en