Video: Shocking case of animal abuse at local rescue known as LA's 'first humane pet shop'


A shocking video surfaced online from a local dog adoption shop that claims to be L.A.'s 'first humane pet shop.'   

This video is hard to watch:

A Twitch streamer posted this video online Wednesday evening. It shows an employee at a Fairfax District dog rescue 'Bark N' Bitches' 'picking up a dog and throwing it after several dogs appear to start fighting.

The dog can then be seen cowering under a bench as employees gather around concerned about the dog's welfare.

The owner issued the following statement in response to the incident:

'My deepest apologies for this incident. The dog was playing and acting normal after this horrific incident. She is at the vet right now being checked out to assure she is ok.'

Late Wednesday evening the owner of 'Bark N Bitches' posted a video update about the incident on Instagram.

In the video she thanked everyone for reaching out and that the rescue has been in business for 14 years and this incident that took place at their shop is a first for them.

'All action will be taken to make sure this doesn't happen again', the owner said.

In her own words the employee in question, 'is no longer with us and the dog is doing fine after going to the vet.'

If you have any further concerns or questions regarding this incident, please feel free to email the shop at

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