Video details Secret Service response to White House bomb threat; shows vehicle bumping barrier

Video was shown during the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing on Capitol Hill Tuesday regarding the alleged Secret Service drinking-and-driving incident from earlier this month.

Chairman Jason Chaffetz showed the video that was provided by the Metropolitan Police Department. It showed the incident as it played out on the evening of March 4.

Chaffetz provided details.

"On March 4, at 10:24pm, a woman drove her vehicle to a security gate outside the White House Fence line on 15th St. and left a package she claimed to be a bomb. Secret Service agents and officers at the scene confronted the suspect but were unable to apprehend her," Chaffetz said before the video played.

"The package sat unattended as traffic drive by for a long period of time – it took 11 minutes for the Secret Service to call the Metropolitan Police Department bomb squad – for 17 minutes traffic continued through the intersection and several pedestrians walked within feet on the potential bomb," Chaffetz continued.

"I don't understand how that happens," he commented.

"When the Secret Service finally did call, they failed to mention to the Metropolitan Police Department that is was an actual bomb threat rather than just a suspicious package. There is a difference. There is a difference in the response time and the approach that they take."

Chaffetz played the video which show the package being dropped on and the Secret Service response.

The hearing continued into the afternoon Tuesday.