Trump 2024 campaign uses mugshot on official merchandise

Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign is capitalizing on the publicity surrounding the former president's mugshot by using it on official merchandise.

Trump's booking photo was taken Thursday as he surrendered inside a jail in Atlanta on charges that he illegally schemed to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia.

He was released on $200,000 bond and headed back to the airport for his return flight home to New Jersey, flashing a thumbs-up through the window of his sport utility vehicle as his motorcade left.

Within minutes of the mug shot's release, Trump's campaign was already using the image to solicit contributions on a fundraising site.

"This mugshot will forever go down in history as a symbol of America's defiance of tyranny," said a Trump campaign fundraising email. His website also features the mugshot on its homepage.

A link to official campaign merchandise shows the image on long and short sleeve shirts, mugs, and bumper stickers.

The Associated Press contributed to this report


Trump mug shot released after former president turns himself in at Georgia jail

When Donald Trump arrived at the Fulton County Jail Thursday evening, he was fingerprinted and required to take a booking photo.