Students return to school following tragic accident that killed Clarksburg classmates
CLARKSBURG, Md. - Students returned to Clarksburg High School Thursday for the first time following a tragic accident that killed three of their classmates.
17-year-old Jacob Tyler Dennis, 17-year-old Cary Mauri'ce Greene and 18-year-old Patrick Andrew Shifflett died Tuesday night when their vehicle crashed into a tree as they returned from a pre-graduation gathering.
Family and friends remembered the high school juniors during Wednesday's graduation ceremony and at an emotional memorial at a church later in the evening. On Thursday, grief counselors were on hand at the high school to offer support.
Police are still investigating the cause of the accident, however, officers do not believe alcohol was involved.
Investigators say speeding and the inexperience of the driver may have been factors.
Here are some ways you can talk to your teens about safe driving practices:
Guide to Teen Driver Safety MD:
Guide to Teen Driver Safety VA:
Guide to Teen Driver Safety DC:
AAA Resources For Parents Of Teen Drivers: