Students charged for Fairmont Heights High School brawl

At least eight students are facing criminal charges stemming from a large brawl that occurred outside of Fairmont Heights High School Thursday afternoon.

The charges involved include assault and disruption of school activities. All of charges are being filed in juvenile court.

Officials said in addition to the charges, some students are facing long-term suspensions and possible expulsion.

A spokesperson for Prince George's County Public School said the students who were involved in the brawl were told to stay home on Friday and school security went house to house to take statements and to identify witnesses.

The fight, which appeared to include only girls, broke out at dismissal with two girls squaring off before others joined in exchanging blows. It turned vicious with punches to the face and hair being pulled.

The mother of one of the girls said her daughter suffered a broken nose and numerous bruises. She questioned why the fight went on for several minutes without any security or adults stepping in.

Officials said school security examined the videos as well as footage from cameras mounted outside the school in order to identify the participants.

At the end of the school day on Friday, as many as eight Prince George's County police officers stationed themselves in and around the school to prevent any further trouble.

The mother of a student who was injured told us her daughter ran to a nearby recreation center for safety. She said her daughter told her posts on Twitter may be to blame, but it is unclear what was written and why it sparked so much trouble.

Prince George's County Public Schools released a statement on Friday saying in part, "The Fairmont Heights High School team works hard to ensure a safe and orderly environment for students and staff at all times. In this year alone, the school has increased the graduation rate, improved ninth grade retention rates and has the highest rate of IT certifications in the county."