Stafford County Armed Services Memorial riddled with errors
STAFFORD, Va. - A memorial dedicated to the brave soldiers of Stafford County who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the United States is riddled with errors and inaccuracies.
The Stafford Armed Services Memorial was dedicated in mid-July and paid for with county taxpayer dollars.
While the beautiful memorial features a spinning marble globe and a portrait, Jason Pelt discovered a section also features several errors.
"It wasn't 'Morris Mussleman.' It was 'Norris Musselman," Pelt explained while pointing to a brick. "So we got his first name and his last name spelled wrong."
Out of the 66 bricks dedicated to veterans at the memorial, Pelt said 55 have errors.
"We have Earl Limerick Jr. He's listed there as a private and he is a PFC, Private First Class," Pelt explained.
When Pelt brought the issue up to Stafford County officials, he said he was told the information came from an Eagle Scout project and that nobody had checked the information.
FOX 5 reached out to Stafford County officials for comment but we have not yet heard back.
The county has acknowledged a mistake was made on their end and put out a statement online saying they would be fixing the issue right away.