Pit bull bites child; pit bull's owner bites child's mother, police say

ROCK HILL, S.C. - The owner of a pit bull that bit a child faces charges after he allegedly bit the mother of the victim.

The incident happened in Rock Hill, South Carolina early Monday morning.

Officers say 26-year-old Errick Williamson was with Katie Hefner and Hefner's son when Williamson's pit bull bit the boy. Hefner told officers she chased after Williamson who had left on foot with the dog.

When Hefner caught up to Williamson in a nearby park, Williamson allegedly turned the dog loose in her direction. When Hefner tried to gain control of the dog by taking hold of its leash, Williamson allegedly bit her on the arm.

When officers arrived, Williamson admitted that the dog did bite the child. He also told police that he bit Hefner after she tried to take control of the animal.

Williamson faces assault charges and marijuana possession charges.

The condition of the boy is unknown.