Ohio infant found, suspected kidnapper arrested

Nalah Jackson and Kason, Kyair Thomass. (Credit: Columbus Police Dept)
The woman accused of kidnapping an Ohio infant was arrested in Indiana on Thursday. The child was found a few hours later, according to Columbus Ohio Police.
"Kason Thomass was found alive & safe in Indianapolis near a Papa John’s pizza location. The 5-month-old boy is in good health & being transported to a hospital to be checked out. Kason was found in the stolen Honda Accord & wearing the same clothes," according to a tweet posted by officials.
Police arrested suspected kidnapper Nalah Jackson in Indianapolis at 2 p.m. after receiving tips from several sources but at the time of her arrest, 5-month-old Kason Thomass was not with Jackson.
Investigators are working to extend the Amber Alert sent out on Monday after the initial kidnapping for Indiana and Ohio.
Columbus police believed Jackson stole a 2010 Honda Accord on Monday with twin infants, Kyair and Kason Thomass, inside.
The twins’ mother had left her car unattended to run inside a Donatos Pizza restaurant to retrieve a food order. Authorities said Jackson, believed to be homeless, was inside the restaurant and left as soon as the mother entered.
Early Tuesday morning, Kyair was found at an airport parking lot in Dayton, Ohio, 70 miles away, but Kason was not with him.
Jackson is currently being questioned by investigators at this time.
The FBI is offering a $10,000 reward for the safe return of Kason.
"We will not stop until we find Kason," said Elaine Bryant, chief of the Columbus Division of Police during a news conference on Thursday.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Kason or the stolen vehicle is asked to call 614-645-4701 or 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324).
This story was reported from Los Angeles. Chris Williams contributed to this report.