Neurosurgeon testifies at Baltimore officer's trial

BALTIMORE (AP) -- A neurosurgeon has testified at the trial of a Baltimore police officer facing criminal charges after the arrest and death of a young black man that the man suffered an incomplete spinal cord injury and could still move his head and talk.
Dr. Morris Marc Sorriano, a paid expert witness for the prosecution, testified Friday at the bench trial for Lt. Brian Rice, who is charged with manslaughter and other offenses in the death of Freddie Gray.
WBAL-AM reports ( ) that Sorriano says Gray's injuries occurred between the time when Rice loaded Gray into the van, but didn't put him in a seat belt, and two stops later when the driver checked on Gray and asked him if he needed to go to the hospital.
Rice is the fourth of six officers to stand trial. Two were acquitted and proceedings for another ended in a mistrial.
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