Muslim lawyer in DC reacts to Muslim prayer at RNC
WASHINGTON - There's been a tremendous amount of controversy surrounding Trump's call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration until we can, in his words, "figure out what's going on."
Despite the comments, the Republican Nominee still has Muslim supporters. One American Muslim Trump supporter made that very clear on Tuesday night.
"Let us pray. Let's take some time, lets pray. For a strong America, for a safe America, and lets ask god to make us strong to fight terrorism all over the world," Sajid Tarar said.
Tarar, a Muslim from the Baltimore area who immigrated from Pakistan gave the closing prayer last night at the Republican National Convention.
"The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said that we all have a piece of flesh in our bodies. If it is good, our whole is good. And if it is not, then the whole body is spoiled, Tarar said in his prayer. "Once again, God bless America, God bless you, and God bless Donald Trump and let's pray to get our country back."
After wondering if other Muslim Trump supporters felt that having this prayer was enough, and if it makes them feel welcomed by Trump and within the GOP community as a whole. FOX 5 reached out to a D.C. based attorney who is a Muslim Trump supporter, who we have spoken with once before about his support of Trump. Kamal Nawash said that, "The fact that he put a Muslim out there at the convention and to say a prayer, a Muslim prayer, vindicates people like me who have kind of felt alone in their support for Donald Trump."
He also said that he would like Trump to distinguish a little bit more the general Muslim population and the extremist's terrorists out there. He thinks that what Trump will find when he does is that there are multiple Muslims who would be very supportive.