Kanye West surprises Howard U. with "Sunday Service" concert

Mega music producer and rapper Kanye West held his famous “Sunday Service” on a Saturday morning at Howard University’s homecoming.

Kim Kardashian West was there along with their children and thousands who came out to Howard’s yard.

The Chicago native and critically acclaimed and controversial Grammy award winning rapper began his service with praise and worship including a gospel twist on several popular hits.

With security, celebrities and Howard University students surrounding West, he performed snippets from several songs and then, the sermon.

“One in three African Americans are in prison in America and we be concerned about a ball game, about a rap album… the message on the radio station is about how you need to cheat on your man, cheat on your boyfriend, cheat on your girlfriend.  All this controlled music, people aren’t even writing their own rhymes, it’s all a setup, said West.

“This is something God put on my heart.  I got family locked up,” said West.

Attendees said West’s “Sunday Service,” met their expectations.

“Yeah, it did. I can’t really see but I feel all the good vibes. That’s what it’s all about,” said Cedric McFadden, a Howard University graduate.

McFadden says the message was about forgiveness.

“The message here today?  Forgive.  There was a couple guys talking about their past and how they spent life in jail and how they just got out,” said McFadden.

Momolu Stewart publicly thanked Kim Kardashian West who advocated for his release from prison after 23 years.  Stewart got of jail last week amid serving a life sentence for a murder conviction he received as a 16 year old.

“As controversial as he is, he is a legendary artist and I wanted to see what it was about, it’s a free event, why not come,” said Kristi Dayemo, a Howard University graduate.

“This is awesome, I love it,” said Trinity Wade, a Howard University student.

“I’m making a film about the Make America Great Again hats and Kanye is just a huge inspiration in that hole realm,” said Thomas Rechenberg, a documentary journalist.

Politics aside, West pop-up service on the yard at Howard was apparently a complete surprise – and a welcome one for attendees who came for a word and to catch a glimpse of these pop culture icons.