How to get in on the joy of being "Santa"
LOS ANGELES - Sure, as adults, we may roll our eyes if we see a mall Santa because it's causing a big line of people who are getting in our way while we're frantically shopping for the randos in our life: What do I get my stepbrother's wife??? What do I get for my boss? Am I supposed to get something for my mailman???
While at first glance you may think they're a nuisance, if you really think about it, these mall Santas are some of the most selfless people around.
Yes, they get paid, but it can't be much. This is clearly a job of love. A good mall Santa will actually look the part. Big 'ole belly, an authentic, long, white beard. That takes at least a year-long commitment. If they really want to seal the deal, they'll even rock a handmade Santa suit.
Mall Santas are champions of hope. They let the smallest among us be heard by their hero and they teach those same children that being well-behaved is the only way to get what they want in life.
That sounds like a pretty amazing job to me. But what do you do if you want to feel like that, even though you could never physically pass as a mall Santa?
There's a truly sweet page on Reddit called "Random Acts of Christmas", that allows anyone to go and buy gifts for children who are less fortunate.
All of the children's (usually) heart-breaking stories are verified to be true before they're allowed to be on the site, so you have nothing to fear.
Here's a description from the page: r/RandomActsofChristmas is a place where families can request assistance for their children at Christmas or offer assistance to those in need. From start to finish, the photos tell the stories of each Christmas that was graced with a Santa from RAOC. Welcome to the most holiday spirited subreddit there is!
So sweet! You'll have to act quickly because there are so many lovely people out there, that they grant the wishes almost immediately.
Another fantastic way to help children enjoy this sometimes tough time of year, is to donate to Toys For Tots.
"Toys for Tots" is actually run by the U.S. Marine Corps. Aww, you guys! You already do too much!
According to their website, "Over its life span, the Marine Toys for Tots Program distributed over 512 million toys to over 237 million less fortunate children."
Have a happy holidays and if you are one of the lucky ones who truly has everything, just remember, it's better to give than receive. You making some child's Christmas lasts forever, whereas the feeling you get from that new blu-ray player lasts about a week.
Watch the video above to see how one Santa went above and beyond for one very special boy this year.