Homeless family gets temporary home for Christmas

The holidays can be a tough time for families struggling to make ends meet. A Maryland mother and her four kids were about to spend this Christmas without a roof over their heads, but a D.C. charity stepped in to help.

Yvonne Stephens and her kids are homeless. She is unable to work because of a disability. They have spent the last few nights at motels and they have nothing but the clothes on their backs, which are now wet from the rain.

"I kind of broke down one time and said, 'God, when is this going to all end? Because something's got to give,'" Stephens told us.

Her prayer was answered on Christmas Eve morning when her family was taken in by the Waker Foundation, a small non-profit on Jasper Street in Anacostia.

The charity is moving around beds so the family can stay here through the holidays.

"For me to be able to come here and they open their doors for me and my four kids, that's a blessing," Stephens said.

Joseph Waker, the foundation's founder said they are doing all they can, but their funds are very low.

"They don't have anything except for the clothes on their backs and we've provided food for them this morning, and will also provide anything that they need to stay here during this holiday season," said Waker. "Today is the 24th of December and tomorrow is Christmas Day, so we want to be their Santa Claus."

A volunteer named Myra has been calling churches all morning to try to get help for this family. The churches have come through with new coats and Christmas gifts for the family.

Myra called Rev. Msgr. Raymond Gerard East from the Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Church in Southeast D.C. for help this morning at just the perfect time.

"I had a box of food that was the last box of food and I had some toys that had just been given and we had a few left," he said. "I said, 'How many children?' 'Four.' 'I have four toys! How many mouths to feed?' So it's like the Miracle on Jasper Street."

Stephens said she lives day-by-day by faith.

"My Christmas wish is to have a house for my family and not to depend on a whole lot of people," she said. "Because people help you out as much as they possibly can, but my Christmas wish is for me and my family to have some place to stay permanently."

And we can pray for all the homeless on Christmas.

If you would like to donate to the Waker Foundation so they can continue to help this family and others in need, go to www.waker-foundation.org or you can call them at 202-889-2810.