Frederick man sentenced 50 years for sexual abuse of former fiancé's daughter

 Celestino Lopez-Aguilar, age 37, of Frederick, MD. Photo via VA State's Attorney's Office. 

A 37-year-old Frederick man was sentenced Tuesday to a combined 105 years with all but 50 years suspended for sexual abuse of a minor

Celestino Lopez-Aguilar was found guilty in December of 9 counts of sex abuse of a minor. 

According to the State's Attorney's office, the victim, then 18-years-old, told her mother that she had been sexually abused by Lopez-Alguilar beginning when she was 7-years-old. Lopez-Alguilar was the former fiancé of the victim's mother, and lived in the household from 2008 to 2016. 

"This was an egregious case where a man used his role as a father figure to sexually abuse a young girl over the course of many years, said State’s Attorney Charlie Smith. "We are pleased that the defendant received a long sentence and hope that the victim and her family can find closure with this outcome."