Family of DC jogger murdered in 2018 Logan Circle stabbing to keep memory alive by running in her honor

It's been nearly one year since Wendy Martinez was stabbed to death while jogging in D.C.'s Logan Circle. The random attack that ended the avid runner's life and sent shockwaves through the community also left a hole in the lives of her family and friends. They are now marking the one year anniversary of her tragic death by asking others to celebrate her life by running in her honor.

Wendy Martinez

Daniel Hincapie, Wendy's fiancé, joined FOX 5 on Thursday and said runners around the globe can run in Wendy's memory in a Virtual 5K this year. Runners can use the hashtag #RunForWendy to share their experiences online. A special run will take place in Clarendon, Virginia on September 21 where participants can join Team Wendy and run for The Wendy Martinez Legacy Project -- a nonprofit group that works to empower women runners around the world.

35-year-old Martinez was stabbed and killed on September 18 while on an evening jog in the Logan Circle neighborhood of Northwest, D.C. She and Daniel had only been engaged for a week when she was killed. Authorities arrested and charged 23-year-old Anthony Crawford with first-degree murder. He pleaded guilty earlier this year.


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