Ex-DC police officer Darrell Best sentenced 18 years for sexual abuse of 2 girls

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A former District of Columbia police officer has been sentenced to 18 years in prison after pleading guilty to sexual abuse charges involving minors.

Darrell Best was sentenced Friday in federal court.

The 46-year-old Best was arrested in March 2015 while still an officer and accused of abusing two teenage girls who attended a church where he served as a pastor.

Best pleaded guilty to sexually abusing one girl in 2014 at police headquarters. He pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a second girl inside the church. He also pleaded guilty to a child pornography charge.

Best's plea agreement called for the 18-year sentence. Best's attorney Nikki Lotze said Friday that her client is "very remorseful" and "glad to be putting this behind him."