DC resident posts sign seeking action by city to fix neighboring home in disrepair
WASHINGTON - Residents in a Northwest D.C. neighborhood are taking an unusual step to get some attention to a problem they say they have been dealing with for years.
They have posted a huge sign outside in their neighborhood to complain about the lack of action from the District and two city leaders on what they call a dangerous property.
The sign has an arrow that points next door to a home on Kansas Avenue and basically says this home has been a problem and poses a danger because it is in disrepair. It even calls out D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Councilmember Brandon Todd (D-Ward 4) and D.C.'s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.
The sign reads:
"DC Government has known for 7 years this is a structural danger that poses risk to human life. These parties are guilty of negligence in enforcing building codes, and indifferent to our safety, including that of children living next door.
2. Muriel Bowser, Mayor
3. Brandon Todd, Ward 4 Councilmember
"They would not ignore our complaints if this were in Georgetown, Cleveland Park or next to Muriel's mansion in Colonial Village!"
Neighbors said the owners of the home passed away seven years ago and it has fallen into disrepair since then. They told us there are kids in the area and they worry about something falling of them.
"We have reached out to the property managers to say, 'Hey look, the roof is falling apart, the porch is falling apart, we have squatters running in and out,'" said neighbor Rick Banks. "We have done everything, every method. We have reached out to the mayor to the city councilman, the prior city councilman who became the mayor. We have reached out to everybody in this city that we could think of who would be able to give us some relief on this matter."
When we came out to the home on Tuesday, an aide from the mayor's office was in the neighborhood talking to residents.
The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs said there have been complaints in the past and they have responded. In fact, just last week, crews fixed the roof of the house. Apparently, the department had tried to get the owner to comply, but the owner didn't, so they went ahead with the repairs. They said they will charge the owner and possibly issue a fine.