DC public schools begin turning away students who are behind on immunization requirements
DC public schools begin turning away students who are behind on immunization requirements
D.C. public school students are being turned away from the classroom for not being current on their shots.
WASHINGTON - D.C. public school students are being turned away from the classroom if they are not current on their shots.
FOX 5's Nana-Sentuo Bonsu says some students and their parents are scrambling to get the required immunizations needed to return to school.
According to the District of Columbia Public Schools website, families are required to submit their student’s up-to-date immunization records by the first day of class.
School officials published an Immunization Requirements Guide earlier this year summarizing the vaccines required for children to enter key grades.
The annual flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine are strongly recommended but not required.
Bonsu says doctors at Children's National Hospital say they're working with the school district to get students their shots. They say the pandemic caused a number of kids to miss early childhood vaccines and booster doses for some teens.
Bonsu says school officials say they sent families several notices, including one that says if the school does not receive proper immunization documentation, children could be temporarily excluded from school beginning December 4th.
Here’s the online DC School Immunization Requirements Guide.