Charles County bus driver ‘sick-out’ continues; remote options begin Friday for impacted students

A bus driver 'sick-out' is now in its fifth day in Charles County and is causing disruptions to parents, teachers and students.

Nearly 70 bus routes were canceled as of 7 a.m. Thursday morning. FOX 5's Melanie Alnwick says in addition to frustrations with their pay and benefits, drivers are also concerned with COVID-19 safety measures and extra duties they have been assigned due to a nationwide bus driver shortage.

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Alnwick says about 900 students each day have not been able to get to class. She says beginning Friday, teachers will live stream classes for students impacted by the bus route cancellations.

Alnwick says a four percent pay increase has been approved for the bus drivers. Over 200 hundred bus routes were canceled on Wednesday.

Here's a list of the latest route coverage plans and cancellations.

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