Baltimore prepares for first pre-trial hearing in Freddie Gray case

It has been five months since the death of Freddie Gray led to massive riots in Baltimore. Baltimore's state's attorney is prosecuting six police officers in connection with Gray's death and pre-trial hearings are set to begin Wednesday.


The first hearing for the officers charged is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. in Baltimore. Activists are planning protests at the court and Baltimore police are bracing for the worst.

After Gray's funeral in late April, Baltimore turned into a war zone. Rioters stormed police cars, raided stores and stole massive amounts of prescription drugs.

The National Guard rolled into the city to take control along with other law enforcement and police from all over the area.

Now, Baltimore police are gearing up for Wednesday's pre-trial hearing in this case.

The six officers are charged with counts including second-degree murder in Gray's death.

Baltimore police have canceled all leave requests so the maximum amount of officers are on the streets.

A group called the Baltimore People's Power Assembly is planning a demonstration at 8 a.m. at the courthouse. They are demanding that the officers be indicted, convicted and jailed. Also, they do not want to see a change of venue.

That issue -- whether the six officers can get a fair trial with a Baltimore city jury -- will be discussed at another hearing next week.

This week's hearing is about two other controversial issues leading up to the trial. The judge will decide on the defense's motion to dismiss the case or force Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby to recuse herself.

He will also rule on whether the six officers will be tried separately or together.

I asked Mosby's spokeswoman on Tuesday what position she will take on these issues in court. She replied, "We will litigate this case in the courtroom not in the media."

The trial against the six police officers for Gray's death is supposed to start in the middle of October, but these pre-trial motion decisions could change that start date.