Arlington County considering allowing students to bring Narcan to school

Arlington County Public Schools is looking into a controversial idea that would allow students to bring their own Narcan to school.

Wakefield High School has made headlines in recent weeks after a suspected student overdose death. A teen student was found unconscious in a school bathroom last month.

READ MORE: Wakefield HS reopens after overdose death; increased police after 'concerning' online posts

A spokesperson for the school district told FOX 5 they are looking into the idea of allowing students to bring Narcan to school, but believe it would have to be done legislatively through the General Assembly or regulatory through the FDA or VDH.

Narcan contains naloxone which can be a life-saving medication for someone who has overdosed on opioids including Fentanyl. One study reported Narcan prevented fatal overdoses more than 90 percent of the time.

There is a town hall community meeting hosted by the PTAs across the county on March 13 at Thomas Jefferson Middle School at 7 p.m. This is the topic on the agenda.

Arlington CountyVirginiaVirginia Schools