Hillary Clinton becomes latest Democrat to endorse Biden

Hillary Clinton, the first woman to become a major party's presidential nominee, endorsed Joe Biden's White House bid on Tuesday, continuing Democrats' efforts to coalesce around the former vice president as he takes on President Donald Trump.

Comet Ping Pong pizza arsonist pleads guilty; sentencing set for March

A California man has pleaded guilty to setting fire to Comet Ping Pong pizza – the same D.C. pizza place targeted by a man investigating a conspiracy theory that falsely connected 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to an alleged child sex trafficking ring under the restaurant.

Is the anti-Trump suburban revolt escalating? Watch Virginia elections

Republican state Sen. Siobhan Dunnavant wanted to avoid talking about President Donald Trump as she courted voters this week on Ridgefield Green Way just outside Virginia's capital city. The middle-aged man at one door didn't want to talk about anything else.