Young cancer patient inspires classmates with 'bucket lists'

Just a week before leaving for Philadelphia to take on the battle of a lifetime, 11-year-old cancer fighter Sadie Murata is doing something to inspire her sixth-grade classmates at Laurel Ridge Elementary in Fairfax, Va.

As a relapsed Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma patient, Sadie knows a thing or two about the importance of "living life to the fullest" and she hopes to relay that message to her fellow classmates.

On Tuesday, Sadie and her friend Mackenzie Brown, who is a volunteer with The Truth 365's Dancers vs Cancer campaign, showed up to Sadie's class with 30 metal buckets. These buckets along with strips of colored paper fastened to clips were used to make personalized bucket lists.

Sadie heads to Philadelphia next week where she will be treated with proton therapy for a total of six weeks in hope to fight her Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma, which is a disease where malignant cancer cells form in muscle tissue.

Although Sadie is facing a life-threatening illness, she has a very positive attitude.

This project is meant to inspire her fellow students to set goals, dream big and to not take life for granted.