When do cicadas come out in 2024? What to know ahead of emergence in MD, VA and DC area

Get ready! 2024 will be the year of the cicada!

For the first time since 1803, two broods of cicadas are expected to emerge in the United States. Many parts of the country will experience the bug explosion firsthand – including parts of the Washington, D.C. region. One area of the country will see both broods emerge simultaneously!


Cicadas typically start to emerge in mid-May and are expected to stay through late June. This year we can expect Brood XIX, the 13-year cicadas, and Brood XIII, the 17-year cicadas.


According to Cicada Mania we can expect to see cicadas in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

FOX 5 spoke with Michael Raupp of the University of Maryland’s Entomology Department, who said we may also find them in southern parts of Maryland’s St. Mary’s County.

In Virginia, Raupp said residents could see them in parts of Caroline and King George County.

No cicadas are expected to emerge in the immediate Washington, D.C. area.

"There's only going to be one place in the world that these two broods are coming together potentially," Raupp said. "And that's out in central Illinois. So, I hate to disappoint. But, sorry, they’re not going to be littering the streets on Independence Avenue this year."


"I'm fascinated by the whole thing. This only happens once every 221 years," Raupp said. 

"We're very fascinated by this because this will give those two very, very different broods a chance to interbreed. And frankly, we don't know what's going to happen," he said. "The only people that know are mother nature and then the cicadas. So, it's going to be a very interesting experiment!"

Raupp said that in the overlapping areas, the densities of the cicadas will be just incredible.

Where the southern brood emerges, he said it will be like what we saw a few years ago with Brood X in 2021.


"We’ll be OK and we’ll get through this thing. For entomophobes, it could be a little bit dicey. But for geeks like me, it’s going to be our Super Bowl," said Raupp.

"Just try to enjoy them. They don't bite. They don't sting. They are going to cause a little bit of damage on trees," he said.

Raupp said dogs love to eat cicadas but cautioned not to let them eat too many. "And if you want to try one yourself, well, they're rather tasty, but that's up to you!"

What about the noise? "I mean, that's what they do. They’re teenagers," he said. "They've been underground for 17 years. Of course, they're going to sing. They're going to mate. They're going to party in the treetops."

Whatever way you handle the situation, just don’t step on them!  "You could, but don’t do that! I mean, come on," Raupp said. "They've been living a hard life underground. Why would you want to do that? Let them get up, have some fun, and then they'll be gone in about four weeks."