Virginia transportation crews work to repair potholes

The Virginia Department of Transportation says potholes across the state are no match for its repair crews.

Officials say crews and contractors are tracking thousands of potholes to fill them in order to reduce road hazards across more than 57,000 miles of pavement.

Officials say potholes are created when moisture weakens pavement that is then loosened by traffic.

Last year, VDOT patched more than 146,000 potholes statewide between March and May.

Repairs made during the winter and early spring are mostly temporary because materials used for permanent pothole repairs typically require warmer weather.

VDOT repairs potholes on state-maintained roads, which include interstates and most primary and secondary roads. Local governments are responsible for repairing potholes on their streets.

AP-WF-03-14-15 1504GMT