'That's my boy!' Man reunited with missing dog after 200 days apart

This story proves you should never give up hope. 

Just over 6 months ago, a dog named Blue went missing in Tennessee. His devastated owner, Pat, searched and searched for him, but had to move to Texas for work, according to the Washington County Animal Shelter in Tennessee.

"Imagine his joy when a friend sent him a video of his dog playing ball at our shelter!" they wrote on Facebook.

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The shelter says Pat contacted them immediately and drove over a thousand miles to be reunited with his best friend. They had been apart for 200 days.

Video of their reunion has gone viral. Blue is seen jumping up in pure joy as Pat walks in to claim him and bring him home. 

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"That's my boy!" Pat says in the video. "I missed you so much."

"We don't see many happy endings like this one. There were some tears, tons of doggie kisses and lots of smiles. What a great story!"

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