Subfreezing temperatures triggering false fire alarms at Arlington neighborhood
The freezing temperatures have caused an unexpected reaction in Arlington. It is actually tripping fire alarms and neighbors are getting fed up with the false calls.
Residents say the fire alarms have even gone off in the early morning hours forcing them out of their homes while firefighters responded to the scene.
The sprinkler system in the garage under the Market Common apartment building connected to this shopping area is frozen due to the recent cold temperatures. The sprinklers then exploded turning on the fire alarm.
"As soon as water gets cold, it's going to freeze and expand thus busting the sprinkler pipes," said Arlington County Fire Department Capt. Gregg Karl.
Firefighters say they have been swamped in false calls.
"It's not just residential properties," said Capt. Karl. "It's generally any building that is susceptible to it with a sprinkler system."
Now, places with faulty sprinklers under repair are forced to disconnect their fire alarms from 911 and they have to monitor their buildings under a fire watch.
Paid staffers are literally walking the halls ensuring the structure is safe.
But for residents, they just hope the repairs come soon or warm weather comes sooner to enjoy a good night's rest.
Most of the apartment complexes have informed tenants of the problem. Some have even asked residents to assist in those fire watches.