Street closures in DC this weekend for Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon and 5K

Streets in Washington, D.C. will be closed to traffic this weekend along the route of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon and 5K. 

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon and 5K is on Saturday, March 18. Streets around the route through downtown D.C. will have parking restrictions and street closures starting Friday night. 

Parking restrictions for Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon and 5K

Emergency no parking will be enforced from Friday at 6:00 p.m. to Saturday at 6:00 p.m. on the following streets: 

  • Pennsylvania Avenue from 3rd Street to 7th Street, NW
  • 3rd Street from Constitution Avenue to Independence Avenue, NW
  • 4th Street from Madison Drive to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Emergency no parking will be enforced from Saturday at 3:00 a.m. to Saturday at 12:00 p.m. on the following streets: 

  • Constitution Avenue from 9th Street to 15th Street, NW

Emergency no parking will be enforced from Saturday at 6:00 a.m. to Saturday at 2:00 p.m. on the following streets: 

  • Constitution Avenue from 15th Street 23rd Street, NW
  • 10th Street from Constitution Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
  • 12th Street from Constitution Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
  • 14th Street from Constitution Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
  • Virginia Avenue from 18th Street to 19th Street, NW
  • 18th Street from Constitution Avenue to E Street, NW
  • E Street from 18th Street to 19th Street, NW
  • 19th Street from E Street to Constitution Avenue, NW
  • 27th Street from Virginia Avenue to Whitehurst Freeway, NW
  • I Street from 27th Street to Virginia Avenue, NW
  • Calvert Street from 24th Street to Columbia Road, NW
  • Adams Mill Road from 18th Street to Calvert Street, NW
  • Columbia Road from 18th Street to 16th Street, NW
  • Harvard Street from 16th Street to 5th Street, NW
  • 5th Street from Harvard Street to Bryant Street, NW
  • Bryant Street from 4th Street to North Capitol Street, NW
  • North Capitol Street from Bryant Street to K Street, NW
  • K Street from North Capitol Street to 5th Street, NW
  • 4th Street from K Street to E Street, NW
  • E Street from 4th Street to 6th Street, NW
  • 6th Street from E Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Street closures for Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon and 5K

The following streets will be closed to traffic from Friday at 6:00 p.m. to Saturday at 6:00 p.m. 

  • Constitution Avenue from 9th Street to 15th Street, NW
  • 10th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Constitution Avenue, NW

The following streets will be closed to traffic from Saturday at 6:00 a.m. to Saturday at 2:00 p.m. 

  • Constitution Avenue from 15th Street 23rd Street, NW
  • 18th Street from Constitution Avenue to E Street, NW
  • E Street from 18th Street to 19th Street, NW
  • 19th Street from E Street to Constitution Avenue, NW
  • Calvert Street from 24th Street to Columbia Road, NW
  • Columbia Road from 18th Street to 16th Street, NW
  • Harvard Street from 16th Street to 5th Street, NW
  • 5th Street from Harvard Street to Bryant Street, NW
  • Bryant Street from 4th Street to North Capitol Street, NW
  • North Capitol Street from Bryant Street to K Street, NW
  • K Street from North Capitol Street to 5th Street, NW
  • 4th Street from K Street to E Street, NW
  • E Street from 4th Street to 6th Street, NW
  • 6th Street from E Street to Indiana Avenue, NW 
TrafficWashington, D.C.Transportation